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“Physics in the Kitchen!” – 11th Annual Faraday Science Show 2-3:30pm on Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Faraday Show is UBC’s annual science lecture, designed for children, presented by the Department of Physics & Astronomy. The theme this year is Physics in the Kitchen! Will you sink when you run across a pool of corn starch water (oobleck)? Why do toasts land on the floor butter-side down? How does a microwave […]

Most people who work in the tech industry regulate their children’s screen time

Even Techies Limit Their Children’s Screen Time Check out this NPR article on how people who work for big tech companies, like Google or Yahoo, approach screen time with their own children.

BC ADHD Awareness Week Display is up at Education Library

Our new book display related to BC ADHD Awareness Week is up. BC ADHD Awareness Week Awareness Week is Oct 14-20th. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness of ADHD in adults and children and to reduce the stigma surrounding it. Last year BC had 78 libraries and bookstores in 23 BC cities […]