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BCTF Research publishes new study: The Worklife of BC Teachers in 2009

BCTF Research publishes new study: The Worklife of BC Teachers in 2009

The BCTF Research study “The Worklife of BC Teachers in 2009′ is now online on the BCTF web site:

National School Library Day Colloquia

The UBC Faculty of Education, School of Library Archival and  Information Science and Education Library present, as part of Celebrate Learning Week, our National  School Library Day Colloquia

Thursday, October 28, 2010
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Lillooet Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

E-texts, E-books: Are We at a Tipping Point?

Dr. Teresa Dobson, Associate Professor and Director of the Digital Literacy Centre, Dept. of Language and Literacy Education

Jeff Miller, Senior Manager, Distance Learning, Centre for  Teaching, Learning and Technology.

“The technology of the book has already seen a number of transitions in its long history: from clay to wax to papyrus to vellum to cloth to paper, stored as tablets or scrolls or folios or books, bound in horn or leather or cloth or paper. With each metamorphosis, the role of the librarian has changed – from scribe to guard to copyist to archivist to selector to teacher.” (2004, Johnson).

In this session, presenters will explore the way digital technologies are modifying and extending conceptions of text and will consider implications for knowledge creation, diffusion, and reception.

New Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide is now available

The new Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide is now available on the Ministry of Education website at:

The Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide was developed to support teachers, principals and others in creating high quality full day programs for Kindergarten. It sets expectations for full day Kindergarten programs in British Columbia, summarizes current research findings, and suggests effective practices that can be put to immediate use in schools and Kindergarten classrooms. This guide is intended to help educators ensure that Kindergarten students benefits from experiences that reflect current knowledge about children’s learning and development.

The Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide builds on the philosophy of The Primary Program: A Framework for Teaching, and shares a vision of children as presented in the British Columbia Early Learning Framework.

Carnegie Foundation – Inside Teaching website

Welcome to Inside Teaching. This website is designed to support a community of learning, which includes teachers, professional developers, and other educators interested in learning and in teaching. Visit collections of multimedia records of teaching practice. Learn from others’perspectives on using records of practice for teacher learning. Contribute your own teaching and learning experiences and browse materials and resources that reflect the larger context of the work featured here. This site itself is an environment of learning, a “living archive” that relies upon the contributions of visitors in order to grow and to thrive.

The Atlas of Canada – educational attainment

CENSUS MAPS The Atlas of Canada, produced by Natural Resources Canada, in partnership with Statistics Canada, presents a series of maps and accompanying analysis of national and regional data results from the 2006 Census. The third and last release focuses on educational attainment, location of study, the Aboriginal population, income, as well as age and marital status by gender. The maps are now available on the Atlas of Canada website

Previous releases covered topics such as the Canadian population, age, marital status, immigration, visible minorities, mode of transportation, language, the labour force, and housing and shelter costs.