Education Library Blog

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New Books at Education Library: August 2024

Discover the latest arrivals at our library:

BF723.B6 E34 2023 Everybody has a body / Molli Jackson Ehlert; illustrated by Lorian Tu.


PZ7.1.C428 Gr 2023 Greenlight / Breanna Carzoo.


Collection Spotlight: Yay, You! Moving Up and Moving On. Congratulations Graduates!

The latest collection spotlight is up!  “Yay, You! Moving Up and Moving On.” features books with a graduation, last/first day of school, life’s journey, teacher spotlight, stress management, teacher tips, or other related theme.  Visit the display in person –located on the main level breezeway area of our branch.

Yay, you! : moving out, moving up, moving on / written and illustrated by Sandra Boynton
(image for this month’s display is based on this book!)


New Books at Education Library: July 2024

Welcome to our July Booklist! Click on the title to find out more about each book:

BF723.S25 T68 2023 Calm and in control: simple and effective strategies to support young children’s self-regulation / Julie Tourigny, OTD, MS, OTR/L.


Collection Spotlight: June is National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to honour and celebrate Indigenous peoples’ diverse cultures, histories, and contributions. This month provides an opportunity to reflect on the rich heritage, resilience, and enduring traditions of Indigenous communities across the land. Join us in recognizing and appreciating the invaluable impact of Indigenous peoples on our shared history and future.

Below is a small sample of the newest books in our latest Collection Spotlight, “June is National Indigenous History Month.”

Click on the title or image to take you to the catalogue record for the item:














New Books at Education Library: June 2024

Welcome to our June book roundup at UBC Education Library! We’re excited to share a fresh selection of new arrivals for readers of all ages.

Click on the title for more information:

F1234.V17 S25 2023 Jovita wore pants: the story of a Mexican freedom fighter / by Aida Salazar; art by Molly Mendoza.


PZ7.1.O4425 Fu 2022 Funeral girl / Emma K. Ohland.


PZ7.1.S4755 Gr 2019 Gratitude dude / Shadi Shakeraneh.


PZ7.1.F75478 Re 2023 The reunion / a novel by Kit Frick.


PZ7.1.H4314 We 2023 We’ll never tell / Wendy Heard.
