The Faraday Show is UBC’s annual science lecture, designed for children, presented by the Department of Physics & Astronomy. The theme this year is Physics in the Kitchen! Will you sink when you run across a pool of corn starch water (oobleck)? Why do toasts land on the floor butter-side down? How does a microwave work (and what happens if you put something in it that you shouldn’t)? What happens when you mix ingredients – can you unmix them? Can you “see” how water in a pot is heated up? Why is it not a good idea to put your hand over a boiling kettle?
WHEN: 2-3:30pm on Sunday, December 7, 2014 COST: FREE! But bring non-perishable food items to support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank!
WHERE: UBC Hebb Theatre (2045 East Mall on UBC campus)
To download/print a map, visit: For parking information, visit:
(The North Parkade is the closest parking to Hebb Theatre)
Hebb theatre has limited capacity (375 people), so come early!
For more information including how to get to the Faraday Show, visit: or contact us at