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Collection Spotlight: Le mois de la francophonie: mars 2024

The term “Mois de la Francophonie” translates roughly to “French-speaking/Francophone Month” in English. It was established to promote the French language and cultural diversity among Francophone communities globally. The celebration typically takes place in March each year and involves various events, including cultural festivals, language workshops, and educational activities, aimed at fostering dialogue and understanding among Francophone peoples. The idea behind Mois de la Francophonie is to highlight the importance of French as an international language and to celebrate the cultural richness it brings to societies around the world.

UBC Education Library is showcasing new French books in this month’s Collection Spotlight. From colorful children’s stories to gripping novels to non-fiction, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

New Books at Education Library: March 2024

Check out the newest additions to our library! We’ve just received a batch of fresh reads, ranging from gripping fiction to enlightening non-fiction. Dive in and find your next favorite book today!

Click on the title for more information:

BF311 .M5163 2023 Invisible things / Andy J. Pizza & Sophie Miller.


D804.48 .B76 2023 Run and hide / Don Brown.


HV640.5.A6 M84 2023 From here: a memoir / Luma Mufleh.


PZ7.S4654 Bi 2023 Big tree / Brian Selznick.


PZ7.M6392 To 2022 Torch / Lyn Miller-Lachmann.


PZ7.I9528 Gi 2022 Gigi and Ojiji / Melissa Iwai.


PZ7.W4358 St 2023 Stateless / Elizabeth Wein.


PZ7.1.M3699 Ot 2022 Out of a jar / Deborah Marcero.


PZ7.1.D3982 Un 2022 Undercover Latina / Aya de León.


PZ7.1.G6535 Al 2022 Also / E.B. Goodale.


PZ7.1.W3452 Ph 2023 Phoebe’s diary / Phoebe Wahl.


PZ7.1.M466 El 2023 Elena rides / Juana Medina.


PZ7.1.M423 Wl 2023 The wilderness / Steve McCarthy.


PZ7.5.H67 Tr 2017 Tricks / Ellen Hopkins.


PZ7.7.T3743 Pr 2023 Parachute kids / Betty C. Tang.


Collection Spotlight: Black History Month

Every February, as we celebrate Black History Month, we honor the important contributions of Black Canadians and African Americans throughout history. From innovators and artists to scientists and educators, this month provides us with the opportunity to recognize some of the most influential figures.

Let us use Black History Month as a chance to reflect on how far we have come while also committing ourselves to continue the fight for racial equity and justice.

Please enjoy browsing this selection of children’s books and teacher resources. These books and more are on display at the UBC Education Library Collection Spotlight area on our main floor breezeway.

Click on the title or photo for more information:

Picture Books and Juvenile Non-Fiction

Curve & flow: the elegant vision of L.A. architect Paul R. Williams
written by Andrea J. Loney; illustrated by Keith Mallett.
NA737.W527 L66 2022

“As an orphaned Black boy growing up in Los Angeles in the early 1900s, Paul R. Williams became obsessed with the concept of ‘home.’ He not only dreamed of building his own home, he turned those dreams into drawings.

Defying the odds and breaking down the walls of racism, Williams was able to curve around the obstacles in his way to become a world-renowned architect, designing homes for the biggest celebrities of the day…while creating a number of Los Angeles historic landmarks and thousands of private and public buildings across the United States.”– Front jacket flap.

Unlawful orders: a portrait of Dr. James B. Williams, Tuskegee airman, surgeon, and activist
Barbara Binns.
D790.253 477th .B56 2022

“The Tuskegee Airmen heroically fought for the right to be officers of the US military so that they might participate in World War II by flying overseas to help defeat fascism. However, after winning that battle, they faced their next great challenge at Freeman Field, Iowa, where racist white officers barred them from entering the prestigious Officers’ Club that their rank promised them. The Freeman Field Mutiny, as it became known, would eventually lead to the desegregation of the US armed forces, forever changing the course of American history and race relations. One Black officer who refused to give in to the bigotry at Freeman Field was James Buchanan “JB” Williams. JB grew up the son of sharecroppers, but his loving family and insuppressible intellect drove him to push boundaries placed on Black Americans in the early twentieth century. JB’s devotion to the betterment of others took him from the classroom where he learned to be a doctor, to serving as a medic in the US military and eventually joining the elite Tuskegee Airmen, where he fought to change the minds of all who believed Black men couldn’t make good soldiers. But JB’s greatest contribution came in his role as doctor and Civil Rights activist after the war, where he continued to push past injustices placed on Black Americans. Critically acclaimed author Barbara Binns tells the story of one man’s remarkable life, and in doing so, explores the trials of the brave Black freedom fighters who defended the world against racism and bigotry, both on the front lines and at home”– Provided by publisher

Choosing brave: how Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till sparked the civil rights movement
Angela Joy; illustrated by Janelle Washington.
E185.97.T546 J69 2022

Mamie Till-Mobley is the mother of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy who was brutally murdered while visiting the South in 1955. His death became a rallying point for the civil rights movement, but few know that it was his mother who was the catalyst for bringing his name to the forefront of history.

In Choosing Brave, Angela Joy and Janelle Washington offer a testament to the power of love, the bond of motherhood, and one woman’s unwavering advocacy for justice. It is a poised, moving work about a woman who refocused her unimaginable grief into action for the greater good. Mamie fearlessly refused to allow America to turn away from what happened to her only child. She turned pain into change that ensured her son’s life mattered.

Timely, powerful, and beautifully told, this thorough and moving story has been masterfully crafted to be both comprehensive and suitable for younger readers.

Augusta Savage: the shape of a sculptor’s life
Marilyn Nelson ; afterword by Tammi Lawson.
PS3573.A4795 A94 2022

“A powerful biography in poems about Augusta Savage, the trailblazing artist and pillar of the Harlem Renaissance-with an afterword by the curator of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture”– Provided by publisher

Augusta Savage was arguable the most influential American artist of the 1930s. A gifted sculptor, she flourished during the Harlem Renaissance and became a teacher to an entire generation of African American artists. Nelson’s poems are paired with photographs of Savage’s work, and photographs from her life.

The result is an important portrait of an exceptional artist who, despite the limitations she faced, was compelled to forge a life through art and creativity. — adapted from jacket and perusal of book


Viola Desmond
Becky Noelle; content consultant, Christopher Stuart Taylor, PhD.
FC2346.26.D48 N64 2022

Discusses the life of Viola Desmond, the first Black woman in Canada to challenge racial segregation in court after being fined for sitting in the wrong section of a movie theatre.



Your legacy : a bold reclaiming of our enslaved history
written by Schele Williams; illustrated by Tonya Engel.
E185 .W717 2021

“Your story begins in Africa. Your African ancestors defied the odds and survived 400 years of slavery in America and passed down an extraordinary legacy to you.

Beginning in Africa before 1619, Your Legacy presents an unprecedentedly accessible, empowering, and proud introduction to African American history for children.

While your ancestors’ freedom was taken from them, their spirit was not; this book celebrates their accomplishments, acknowledges their sacrifices, and defines how they are remembered-and how their stories should be taught”

— Provided by publisher.


That they lived: African Americans who changed the world
Rochelle Riley and Cristi Smith-Jones.
E185.96 .R55 2021

“That They Lived: African Americans Who Changed the World features Riley’s grandson, Caleb, and Lola photographed in timeless black and white, dressed as important individuals such as business owners, educators, civil rights leaders, and artists, alongside detailed biographies that begin with the figures as young children who had the same ambitions, fears, strengths, and obstacles facing them that readers today may still experience. Muhammad Ali’s bike was stolen when he was twelve years old and the police officer he reported the crime to suggested he learn how to fight before he caught up with the thief. Bessie Coleman, the first African American female aviator, collected and washed her neighbors’ dirty laundry so she could raise enough money for college. When Duke Ellington was seven years old, he preferred playing baseball to attending the piano lessons his mom had arranged. That They Lived fills in gaps in the history that American children have been taught for generations. For African American children, it will prove that they are more than descendants of the enslaved. For all children, it will show that every child can achieve great things and work together to make the world a better place for all.”–Google Books.

Nina: a story of Nina Simone
words by Traci N. Todd; pictures by Christian Robinson.
ML3930.S553 T64 2021

A 2022 Coretta Scott King Book Award Honoree!
This luminous, defining picture book biography illustrated by Caldecott Honoree Christian Robinson, tells the remarkable and inspiring story of acclaimed singer Nina Simone and her bold, defiant, and exultant legacy.

Born Eunice Kathleen Waymon in small town North Carolina, Nina Simone was a musical child. She sang before she talked and learned to play piano at a very young age. With the support of her family and community, she received music lessons that introduced her to classical composers like Bach who remained with her and influenced her music throughout her life. She loved the way his music began softly and then tumbled to thunder, like her mother’s preaching, and in much the same way as her career. During her first performances under the name of Nina Simone her voice was rich and sweet but as the Civil Rights Movement gained steam, Nina’s voice soon became a thunderous roar as she raised her voice in powerful protest in the fight against racial inequality and discrimination.

Famous Black Canadians
by Ramona Heikel.
FC106.B6 H45 2020

Black Canadians have shaped Canadian history since it was first colonized.

Black History in Canada explores the struggles many early black settlers faced and how black Canadians have fought throughout history for equal treatment.

Readers will learn about the important contributions black Canadians have made from their initial arrival in colonial times through the present day.

Discusses the life and accomplishments of Black Canadians from Canada’s earliest days to the present, exploring the struggles that many early settlers faced, and the continuing struggle for equal treatment.


The girl with a mind for math: the story of Raye Montague
written by Julia Finley Mosca; illustrated by Daniel Rieley.
VM139 .M68 2018

This is a rhyming-text picture book about Raye Montague. After touring a German submarine in the early 1940s, young Raye set her sights on becoming an engineer. Little did she know sexism and racial inequality would challenge that dream every step of the way, even keeping her greatest career accomplishment a secret for decades. Through it all, the gifted mathematician persisted– finally gaining her well-deserved title in history: a pioneer who changed the course of ship design forever.–Dust jacket.


Viola Desmond won’t be budged!
Jody Nyasha Warner; pictures by Richard Rudnicki.
FC2346.26.D48 W37 2010

Tells the story of Viola Desmond, an African Canadian woman who, in 1946, challenged a Nova Scotia movie theater’s segregation policy by refusing to move from her seat to an upstairs section designated for use by blacks.

“Jody Nyasha Warner and Richard Rudnicki’s rendering of Desmond’s tale is a wonderful marriage of text and image. Warner uses a warm oral storytelling voice that invites the reader to “come on here, listen in close” to the tale of a woman who “sat down for her rights.” Rudnicki’s bright illustrations capture the changing emotions on Viola’s face while supplying details of architecture and fashion that bring the period vividly to life.” Quill & Quire

The youngest marcher: the story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a young civil rights activist
Cynthia Levinson; illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton.
F334.B653 H465 2017

Meet the youngest known child to be arrested for a civil rights protest in Birmingham, Alabama, 1963, in this picture book that proves you’re never too little to make a difference. Nine-year-old Audrey Faye Hendricks intended to go places and do things like anybody else. So when she heard grown-ups talk about wiping out Birmingham’s segregation laws, she spoke up. As she listened to the preacher’s words, smooth as glass, she sat up tall. And when she heard the plan — picket those white stores! March to protest those unfair laws! Fill the jails! — she stepped right up and said, I’ll do it! She was going to j-a-a-il!

Voici Viola Desmond
Elizabeth MacLeod; illustrations de Mike Deas; texte français
de Louise Binette.
FC2346.26.D48 M3414 2018

Faites la rencontre de Viola Desmond, entrepreneure et véritable pionnière en matière d’égalité raciale au Canada.

Par un jour pluvieux de novembre 1946, Viola, de passage à Glasgow en Nouvelle-Écosse, décide d’aller au cinéma. Elle s’installe dans la section officieusement réservée aux Blancs, mais l’ouvreuse lui demande de changer de place. Viola refuse, car elle sait que c’est à cause de la couleur de sa peau. La police l’emmène de force. Viola est emprisonnée, jugée et déclarée coupable. Cela ne l’empêche pas, avec l’aide de ses partisans, de continuer à se battre pour la justice sociale.

Bien qu’elle ait ultimement perdu sa cause devant la Cour suprême, elle fut une pionnière pour les premiers militants des droits civils. Grâce au travail acharné de sa sour Wanda qui s’est battue pour que son héritage soit reconnu à sa juste valeur, le portrait de Viola figurera sur les nouveaux billets de 10$ canadiens.

Meet Viola Desmond
Elizabeth MacLeod; illustrated by Mike Deas.
FC2346.26.D48 M34 2018

Meet Viola Desmond, community leader and early civil rights trailblazer!

On the night of November 8th 1946, Nova Scotia businesswoman Viola Desmond stood up for her right to be in the “unofficial” whites-only section of a New Glasgow movie theatre. and was arrested for it. Supported by the Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NSCAACP) and the black-owned newspaper The Clarion, Viola took her quest for the right to freedom from discrimination to the courts. While she ultimately did not succeed, she was a beacon to other early civil-rights activists. Her sister Wanda worked hard to promote Viola’s legacy, which has been finally honoured by Viola’s inclusion on the new Canadian $10 bill.

Sister to courage: stories from the world of Viola Desmond, Canada’s Rosa Parks
Wanda Robson with Ronald Caplan.
FC106B6 eBook ONLINE

In Sister to Courage, Wanda takes us inside the world she shared with Viola and ten other brothers and sisters. Through touching and often hilarious stories, she traces the roots of courage and ambition, god fun and dignity, of the household that produced Viola Desmond.

Tough and compassionate, Viola shines through beyond the moment she was carried out of Roseland movie theatre for refusing to sit I the blacks-only section. Viola emerges as a defender of family and a successful entrepreneur whose momentum was blocked by racism.

With honesty and wit, Wanda Robson Tells her own brave story, giving new life to two remarkable women.


Harriet Tubman
Kit Jazynka; illustrated by Charlotte Ager.
E444.T82 J39 2019

In this kids’ biography, discover the inspiring story of Harriet Tubman, a fearless activist and abolitionist who helped free many slaves.

Born into slavery in c.1820, Harriet Tubman would later run away and help scores of other African American slaves escape to freedom in the North using the “Underground Railroad.” A nurse, scout, and advisor during the American Civil War, Harriet co-led the Combahee River Raid, in which 700 slaves were liberated. After the war, Harriet became involved in women’s suffrage, or the right to vote, and opened a retirement home for sick and elderly African Americans. In this biography book for 8-11 year olds, learn all about Harriet Tubman’s fascinating life, the hardships she endured, her visions, the people she helped and rescued, the battles she fought, and how this American icon of justice and strength continues to inspire so many people today.

Harriet Tubman: freedom seeker, freedom leader
Rosemary Sadlier.
E444.T82 eBook ONLINE

Born in the United States and enslaved as a child, Harriet Tubman (circa 1820-1913) is one of the best-known figures connected to the Underground Railroad. Through her knowledge and outdoor survival skills, honed through her unpaid labour in the fields and through the later connections she made in the abolitionist community, Tubman was well poised to command her followers. By her discipline and example, she never lost a “passenger.”

Tubman’s exploits helped to empower those opposed to slavery and enrage those who supported it. Her success encouraged enslaved Africans to make the brave break for freedom and reinforced the belief held by abolitionists in the potential of black freedom and independence. Referred to as “General Tubman” due to her contributions to the Underground Railroad and to the Union Army, Tubman’s numerous rescue missions ending in Canada helped to build the interest in escape and reinforce the position of Canada as the final stop on the journey to freedom.

Hidden figures: the true story of four Black women and the space race
Margot Lee Shetterly with Winifred Conkling; illustrated by Laura Freeman.
QA27.5 .S548 2018

Explores the previously uncelebrated but pivotal contributions of NASA’s African American women mathematicians to America’s space program, describing how Jim Crow laws segregated them despite their groundbreaking successes. Includes biographies on Dorothy Jackson Vaughan (1910-2008), Mary Winston Jackson (1921-2005), Katherine Colman Goble Johnson (1918- ), Dr. Christine Mann Darden (1942- ).
Katherine, Dorothy, Mary, and Christine were all good at math. Really good. And it was their understanding of numbers that helped them do what seemed impossible. They were women, and they were African-American, and they lived during a time when being black and a woman limited what they could do. But Katherine, Dorothy, Mary, and Christine were hardworking and persistent and, most important, smart. And that’s why NASA hired them to do the math that would one day send the United States into space for the very first time. New York Times bestselling author Margot Lee Shetterly and illustrator Laura Freeman bring to life the inspiring story of the struggles of these four “hidden figures” and what they overcame to succeed. The math work they did would change not only their own lives, but the face of air and space travel forever. — From dust jacket.

Martin & Mahalia: his words, her song
Andrea Davis Pinkney; illustrated by Brian Pinkney.
E185.97.K5 P54 2013

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and his strong voice and powerful message were joined and lifted in song by world-renowned gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. It was a moment that changed the course of history and is imprinted in minds forever. Told through Andrea Davis Pinkney’s poetic prose and Brian Pinkney’s evocative illustration, the stories of these two powerful voices and lives are told side-by-side — as they would one day walk — following the journey from their youth to a culmination at this historical event when they united as one and inspiring kids to find their own voices and speak up for what is right.

Freedom song: young voices and the struggle for civil rights
Mary C. Turck.
E185.61 .T845 2009

Melding memorable music and inspiring history, Freedom Song presents a fresh perspective on the civil rights movement by showing how songs of hope, faith, and freedom strengthened the movement and served as its voice.

In this eye-opening account, you’ll discover how churches and other groups–from the SNCC Freedom Singers to the Chicago Children’s Choir–transformed music both religious and secular into electrifying anthems that furthered the struggle for civil rights.

Coretta Scott
poetry by Ntozake Shange; paintings by Kadir Nelson
E185.97.K47 S53 2009

Walking many miles to school in the dusty road, young Coretta knew, too well, the unfairness of life in the segregated south.

A yearning for equality began to grow.

Together with Martin Luther King, Jr., she gave birth to a vision and a journey—with dreams of freedom for all.

This extraordinary union of poetic text by Ntozake Shange and monumental artwork by Kadir Nelson captures the movement for civil rights in the United States and honors its most elegant inspiration, Coretta Scott.

The Kids Book of Black Canadian History
Rosemary Sadlier; illustrated by Wang Qijun.
FC106.B6 S22 2003

From the first Black person who came to Canada about 400 years ago to the most recent wave of African immigrants, Black Canadians have played an important role in our country’s history.

In this informative overview, kids will discover the inspiring stories and events of a people who fought oppression as they searched for a place to call their own.

Featuring fact boxes, mini-profiles, a timeline and more, this book in the acclaimed Kids Book of series offers a glimpse into an often-overlooked part of Canadian history.

We’ve got a job: the 1963 Birmingham Children’s March
Cynthia Levinson.
F334.B69 N4476 2012

The inspiring story of one of the greatest moments in civil rights history as seen through the eyes of four young people who were at the center of the action.

The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March was a turning point in American history. In the streets of Birmingham, Alabama, the fight for civil rights lay in the hands of children like Audrey Hendricks, Wash Booker, James Stewart, and Arnetta Streeter.
Through the eyes of these four protesters and others who participated, We’ve Got a Job tells the little-known story of the 4,000 black elementary, middle, and high school students who voluntarily went to jail between May 2 and May 11, 1963. The children succeeded – where adults had failed – in desegregating one of the most racially violent cities in America.
By combining in-depth, one-on-one interviews and extensive research, author Cynthia Levinson recreates the events of the Birmingham Children’s March from a new and very personal perspective.

The Underground Railroad
Rachel Seigel.
FC106.B6 S45 2020

Discusses the development of the Underground Railroad used by escaped slaves to travel north to freedom.

Also discusses the challenges faced by these Black settlers after reaching Canada.




Teacher Resources

Viola Desmond’s Canada: a history of blacks and racial segregation in the promised land
Graham Reynolds; with Wanda Robson.
FC106.B6 R49 2016

In 1946, a Black Halifax businesswoman, Viola Desmond, was wrongfully arrested for sitting in a white’s-only section of a movie theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. In 2010, sixty-four years later, the Nova Scotia government recognized this gross miscarriage of justice and posthumously granted her a free pardon. Most Canadians are aware of Rosa Parks, the American civil rights icon who refused to give up her seat on a racially segregated bus in Alabama, but Viola Desmond’s similar act of courage in resisting the practice of racial segregation occurred nine years before this historic event. However, today, even after the Nova Scotia Government’s unprecedented pardon of Desmond, many Canadians are still unaware of her story or that racial segregation existed throughout many parts of Canada during most of the twentieth century. On the subject of race, Canadians seem to exhibit a form of collective amnesia. Viola Desmond’s Canada is a groundbreaking book aimed at providing both general readers and students of Canadian history with a concise overview of the narrative of the Black experience in Canada. The book traces this narrative from slavery under French and British rule in the eighteenth century to the practice of racial segregation and the fight for racial equality in the twentieth century. Included are personal recollections by Wanda Robson, Viola Desmond’s youngest sister, together with important but previously unpublished documents and other primary sources in the history of Blacks in Canada

I have a dream: writings and speeches that changed the world
Martin Luther King, Jr.; foreword by Coretta Scott King; edited by James Melvin Washington.
E185.97.K5 A25 1992

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial looking out over thousands of troubled Americans who had gathered in the name of civil rights and uttered his now famous words, “I have a dream . . .” It was a speech that changed the course of history.

This anniversary edition honors Martin Luther King Jr.’s courageous dream and his immeasurable contribution by presenting his most memorable words in a concise and convenient edition. As Coretta Scott King says in her foreword, “This collection includes many of what I consider to be my husband’s most important writings and orations.” In addition to the famed keynote address of the 1963 march on Washington, the renowned civil rights leader’s most influential words included here are the “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” the essay “Pilgrimage to Nonviolence,” and his last sermon, “I See the Promised Land,” preached the day before he was assassinated.

Editor James M. Washington arranged the selections chronologically, providing headnotes for each selection that give a running history of the civil rights movement and related events. In his introduction, Washington assesses King’s times and significance.

New Books at Education Library: February 2024

Ready to dive into February’s fresh reads? Explore the newest additions to the shelves of UBC Education Library and discover your next great read!

Click on the book cover or title for more information:

HV2426.Z4633 B8 2023 The butterfly cage: joy, heartache, and corruption: teaching while deaf in a California public school / Rachel Zemach ; [foreword by Dr. Paddy Ladd]


PZ7.B67167 Sm 2023 Simon sort of says / Erin Bow.


QL944 .V6 2022 Boobies / by Nancy Vo.


Collection Spotlight: Lunar New Year

Step into the festivities of Lunar New Year at UBC Education Library, where we’re thrilled to present a special book display from January 25 to 31.  Celebrating the Year of the Dragon, our curated collection invites students and educators alike to explore the rich traditions and cultural significance of this joyous occasion. The display is located at the main level breezeway of our branch.

If you want further information on any of the following items, click on the book cover or title. This will bring you to the UBC catalogue record for the book.

This is just a sample of the books on display:

Juvenile Literature

A Sweet New Year for Ren
written by Michelle Sterling; illustrations by Dung Ho.
PZ7.1.S74433 Sw 2022

Ren has always been too little to help make her favourite pineapple cakes for the Lunar New Year, but when her one-of-a-kind brother Charlie arrives for the festivities, with his help, she finally gets her chance. Includes recipe for pineapple cakes.


Ruby’s Chinese New Year
Vickie Lee; illustrated by Joey Chou.
PZ7.1.L437 Rb 2018

As Ruby travels to her grandmother’s house to bring her a gift for Chinese New Year, she is joined by all of the animals of the zodiac.

Includes the legend of the Chinese horoscope and instructions for making a paper lantern, a paper fan, and good luck banners.


A New Year’s reunion
Yu Li-Qiong; illustrated by Zhu Cheng-Liang.
PZ4.9.Y888 Nw 2011

Little Maomao’s father works in faraway places and comes home just once a year, for Chinese New Year. At first Maomao barely recognizes him, but before long the family is happily making sticky rice balls, listening to firecrackers, and watching the dragon dance in the streets below.

Papa gets a haircut, makes repairs to the house, and hides a lucky coin for Maomao to find. Which she does! But all too soon it is time for Papa to go away again.

The runaway wok: a Chinese New Year tale
Ying Chang Compestine; illustrated by Sebastià Serra.
PZ4.9.C6462 Rw 2011

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, a poor man who works for the richest businessman in Beijing sends his son to market to trade their last few eggs for a bag of rice, but instead he brings home an empty–but magic–wok that changes their fortunes forever.

Includes information about Chinese New Year and a recipe for fried rice.

Bringing in the New Year
Grace Lin.
PZ7.L644 Br 2008

This exuberant story follows a Chinese American family as they prepare for the Lunar New Year. Each family member lends a hand as they sweep out the dust of the old year, hang decorations, and make dumplings. Then it’s time to put on new clothes and celebrate with family and friends. There will be fireworks and lion dancers, shining lanterns, and a great, long dragon parade to help bring in the Lunar New Year. And the dragon parade in our book is extra long–on a surprise fold-out page at the end of the story.

Grace Lin’s artwork is a bright and gloriously patterned celebration in itself! And her story is tailor-made for reading aloud.

The cat’s tale: why the years are named for animals
Doris Orgel; illustrated by Meilo So
PZ8.1.O59 Ct 2008

Willow’s pet cat Mao relates how the Jade Emperor chose twelve animals to represent the years in the Chinese calendar and why there is no Year of the Cat.

Includes endnotes on the twelve-year lunar cycle and the Chinese zodiac animals.


Silk Peony, parade dragon
Elizabeth Steckman; illustrated by Carol Inouye.
PZ4.9.S7325 Sl 1997

This is the story of Silk Peony, a magnificent dragon who is rented by a powerful mandarin for the annual New Year’s parade.

Based on legend, this is the story of how the dragon came to lead the New Year’s parade. The traditional story and whimsical illustrations of dragons are sure to appeal to young children and the young at heart.  (SJ Cheng)

The Dragon New Year: A Chinese Legend
David Bouchard, Zhong-Yang Huan
PZ4.9.B689 Dr 1999

Every spring, a clash of cymbals, a splash of colourful fireworks, and the Dragon Dance herald the coming of the Chinese New Year. But how did these celebrations begin?

Charming and masterfully illustrated, this enticing tale involves a monstrous sea dragon, a mother’s sorrow, and a magical Buddha. Set in the words of a wise grandmother passing on her traditions to her adored granddaughter, this story of courage and kindness, love and revenge will delight both children and adults alike.


Le Nouvel An Chinois
David F. Marx; texte français de Dominique Chichera.
GT4905 .M3614 2007 French Collection

Chaque titre de cette collection, destinée aux apprentis lecteurs, propose une découverte de l’histoire et des traditions liées à diverses fêtes, ainsi qu’à la façon dont elles sont célébrées aux quatre coins de la planète. — Des photographies, mettant en scène des enfants croqués dans le feu de l’action, animent cette petite plaquette que conclut une double page reprenant certains mots-clés du texte. Une agréable ouverture au monde et à la diversité culturelle.


Chinese New Year: a celebration for everyone
Jen Sookfong Lee.
GT4905 .L434 2017

From its beginnings as a farming celebration marking the end of winter to its current role as a global party featuring good food, lots of gifts, and public parades, Chinese New Year is a snapshot of Chinese culture.

Award-winning author and broadcaster Jen Sookfong Lee recalls her childhood in Vancouver and weaves family stories into the history, traditions, and evolution of Chinese New Year.

Lavishly illustrated with color photographs throughout.

Chinese New Year
Carrie Gleason.
GT4905 .G54 2009

Kung hay fat Choy means ‘may you prosper’ and is a greeting heard often during Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year, sometimes called Lunar New Year, is celebrated in Chinese communities throughout the world.

Children will love this colourful and easy-to-understand introduction to this famous holiday.


New Year celebrations in different places
Robin Johnson.
GT4905 .J63 2018

Did you know that New Year celebrations can be traced back more than 4,000 years ago?

Dynamic photographs and well-crafted text introduce readers to New Year celebrations including Songkran, Chinese New Year, Rosh Hashanah, and Diwali.


Lighting our world: a year of celebrations
Catherine Rondina; illustrated by Jacqui Oakley.
GT3933 .R66 2012

Throughout the year and around the globe, people use light — candles, bonfires, lanterns and fireworks — to celebrate special occasions.

This richly illustrated book is an illuminating tour of the world’s brightest and warmest festivities.


Neal-Schuman guide to celebrations and holidays around the world
Kathryn I. Matthew, Joy L. Lowe.
GT3930 .M377 2004

Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, Kodomono-Hi, Diwali, Dia de los Muertos, the Festival of St. Lucia, Mardi Gras. Each month there’s another holiday or special event teachers and librarians can choose to explore with children. Grouped by month, and with chapters on year-round special events (such as birthdays, weddings, Powwows, and quincea-eras), this innovative and easy-to-use guide provides grade-specific advice on books, media, and activities that allow children to learn how people of various nationalities and religions celebrate holidays.


Red eggs and dragon boats: celebrating Chinese Festivals
Carol Stepanchuk

This is a book about the celebration of Chinese festivals. Most of the Chinese festivals are based on the lunar calendar. It includes festivals such as the Chinese lunar New Year, Clear Brightness festival, Full-month red egg and ginger party, Dragon Boat festival and Moon festival.