UBC Education Library Puppet Naming Contest

Did you know UBC Education Library has puppets you can borrow?  We do!  Our branch has 23 hand puppets, normally located in room 155, which can be signed out.

Currently, these puppets have simple names like bat, cat, tiger, and rabbit. We actually have several rabbits available to borrow and that can get confusing. And well, we think having puppets with names is just a bit more fun!  So we’re having a contest to find names that suit the unique look and “personality” of each of these great teaching tools.

Two puppets already have names: Sylvester the Cat. and Taz, the Tasmanian Devil. But the rest need your help!

The contest is open to all and there are prizes to be won! So drop by and enter in person. The puppets and entry ballots are on display near the front of the library.  They will also be in the Scarfe Building foyer for TEC Expo on Wed, Nov 16 12-1:30pm.

UPDATE: The contest has been extended to noon, Monday, November 21, 2022.

UPDATE 2: Winners will be contacted and announced on this blog at the end of November.